Audiology On Call, Your Source For An Audiologist in Roswell, GA, Shares Insights on How To Get Your Senior Parent to Consider Hearing Aids
As our senior parents age, having conversations about their independence and support needs can be challenging. One sensitive topic many adult child caregivers face is getting their senior parent to consider wearing hearing aids. However, addressing this issue can be crucial for our loved one’s well-being, as hearing loss can lead to various negative consequences. Audiology On Call, your audiologist and hearing care professionals for Roswell, GA and the surrounding areas offer insights into how to talk to your senior parents about the need for hearing aids.
“1.5 BILLION Worldwide are estimated to experience some degree of hearing loss…Over One-Half of senior adults over age 75 experience hearing loss.”
The World Health Organization
First and foremost, it is important to understand that hearing loss is a common issue that senior adults face as they age. The World Health Organization (WHO) has found that over 1.5 billion people worldwide are estimated to experience some degree of hearing loss. Approximately 1 in 3 older adults in the United States between the ages of 65 and 74 experience hearing loss. And that number jumps significantly to 50% for those over 75.
Hearing Loss Can Affect Your Parents’ Quality of Life
Hearing loss can negatively affect a senior person’s life, causing them to miss out on important events and relationships. Family gatherings, social activities, and even daily conversations with loved ones can become difficult or even impossible to enjoy. This can lead to feelings of social isolation. It can also contribute to depression and other mental health issues.
Hearing loss can also impact a person’s ability to take care of themselves on a daily basis and live independently; they may miss important instructions or warnings relating to their health and safety. For example, they may not hear an alarm or warning signal for smoke or carbon monoxide detectors, leading to dangerous situations. They may also struggle to hear instructions from doctors or caregivers, leading to confusion or incorrect care.
Furthermore, hearing loss can limit a senior adult’s enjoyment of everyday activities, such as watching television or listening to music. Nature sounds, such as birds chirping or leaves rustling, may also be missed. All of these factors can lead to a lack of self-sufficiency and the inability to live alone safely.
Having a conversation about hearing aids can be challenging, but it is essential to approach it with care and empathy. It may be helpful to start by discussing the consequences of hearing loss and the potential benefits of wearing hearing aids. Many seniors may resist the idea, but it is important to stress that hearing aids can greatly improve quality of life.
So, how can adult children encourage their senior parents to consider hearing aids? Here are a few tips:
Start by having an open conversation: Begin by acknowledging that hearing loss is a common problem as people age. Be respectful and listen to your parent’s concerns and objections. Address their questions and make it clear that you are not trying to impose a solution but rather to offer a solution to a problem.
Emphasize the positives: Share with your parent the benefits of hearing aids. Discuss how they can help with social interaction, independence, and the enjoyment of everyday activities.
Provide information: Inform your parent about the different types of hearing aids available, how they work, and how they can be customized to meet their unique needs.
Address concerns about cost: Some seniors may hesitate to consider hearing aids due to the cost. Ensure them that some plans do have hearing aids benefits, and there are also affordable options such as Audiology on Call. Explain the value and increased quality of life that comes with improving their hearing.
Discuss the risks of not wearing hearing aids: Inform your parent about the risks associated with not wearing hearing aids. These risks include cognitive decline, social isolation, and reduced quality of life.
Encourage a hearing test: The first step in getting hearing aids is to have a hearing test or assessment. A hearing assessment can determine the extent of their hearing loss and what type of hearing aids will be most beneficial.
Ask For Professional Help
It may also be helpful to involve a professional audiologist in the conversation. An audiologist can provide a comprehensive hearing assessment and help identify the right hearing aid for your loved one’s needs. They can also address any questions that your senior parent may have about wearing hearing aids.
One option that may be particularly beneficial for senior adults with difficulty leaving their homes is a hearing care provider that offers concierge-style services, such as Audiology on Call.
Reach Out To Audiology On Call, Your Audiologist and Hearing Care Specialists in Roswell, GA and the Surrounding Areas
At Audiology On Call, we offer convenience and flexibility, with a local hearing care professional traveling to your loved one’s home or office to deliver hearing healthcare.
Getting your senior parent to consider wearing hearing aids can be a sensitive issue, but it is important for their overall well-being and quality of life. Understanding the consequences of hearing loss and involving a professional audiologist or hearing care specialist can help facilitate the conversation and find the right solution for your loved one’s needs.
Audiology on Call offers comprehensive hearing assessments, help with finding the right hearing aid, and hearing aid repairs. We are an excellent resource for seniors who cannot or do not wish to leave their homes for hearing assessments. Offering compassionate, caring hearing services, we have experience bridging the gap between aging parents and caregiver children.