Hearing Health Resources
It’s that time again; time to make decisions about Medicare plans. I am not an expert on this matter, but I do frequently get asked questions about the Medicare Advantage plans. My experience with the Advantage plans is that the patient and the healthcare provider are...

We wouldn't be here without our patients! We take pride in developing relationships with our patients; you are more than just "a pair of ears". To show our appreciation, we would like to feature YOU! NAME: Erwin Barrington AGE: 88 How would YOU like to be...

The American Academy of Audiology Member Spotlight: Kelli Smith
The American Academy of Audiology is the national Audiology association, and our very own Kelli Smith was chosen for their "Member Spotlight." Check out a snippet of the article below, and Click Here to Read More! Member Profile OrganizationAudiology on Call About Dr....

Weight and Waves: How Obesity Affects Your Hearing Health
Audiology On Call, North Fulton's Hearing Care Experts Offer Insights on How Your Weight Might Be Affecting Your Hearing Obesity's impact on our health is a growing concern across the globe. It's well known for its role in many health issues including heart disease...

Can Hearing Aids Slow Cognitive Decline?
Audiology On Call, Compassionate Hearing Care Experts Offers Hearing Loss Solutions That May Help With Cognitive Decline Hearing is a critical sense that connects us to the world, influencing our well-being and quality of life. Understanding the link between auditory...

Auracast’s New Technology Offers Enhanced Listening Capabilities
Audiology On Call, Your Hearing Care Professionals Share the Benefits of The New Auracast Hearing Aids If you or anybody you know suffers from hearing loss, you know that it can be a significant inconvenience. Struggling to hear conversations with loved ones or...

Could Auditory Deprivation Rob You Of More Than Your Hearing?
Audiology On Call, The Atlanta Audiologist and Hearing Care Professionals Offer Insights Into This Little Known Condition Our hearing can change as we age, and it's not uncommon to experience hearing loss. But did you know that ignoring hearing problems can seriously...

What You Should Know About Hearing Aids’ Care and Maintenance
Audiology On Call, Your Hearing Care Experts Discusses Why Maintenance Is Key For Keeping Your Hearing Aids Working Properly Hearing aids offer tremendous benefits for those with hearing loss. They help wearers lead a normal life and engage in daily activities without...

Rocking Out To Loud Music Could Damage Your Hearing
Audiology On Call, Your Hearing Care Experts in Atlanta, Likes To “Rock Out” Too! Music is an integral part of our lives. Many enjoy listening to music while driving, relaxing at home, or attending concerts. However, too much exposure to loud music can harm our...

How Can I Get My Senior Parent To Consider Hearing Aids?
Audiology On Call, Your Source For An Audiologist in Roswell, GA, Shares Insights on How To Get Your Senior Parent to Consider Hearing Aids As our senior parents age, having conversations about their independence and support needs can be challenging. One sensitive...