Audiology On Call, Your Hearing Care Experts, Wants to Know…Do Your Hearing Devices Not Sound As Clear As They Were When You First Got Them?
There are many reasons why your hearing devices may not be working as well as they should be; the most common are wax and/or moisture build-up on the devices (hearing aids). Sometimes, they just need a professional cleaning!
The Importance of Daily Maintenance
Daily maintenance is also needed to maintain a certain level of functionality. It is also possible that the electronic components of the hearing device, microphones, receivers, amplifiers, etc, may be getting weaker over time as well. Depending on the type and age of the hearing device, we may be able to send it to the manufacturer to have it restored to specifications.
Another possible reason could be that your level of hearing has changed. Over the past couple of years, you may have postponed your follow-up or non-essential appointments. Most hearing care experts recommend regular follow-ups to keep apprised of any changes that may occur with your hearing or your hearing devices.
Unless your devices are regularly reprogrammed to keep up with your changing hearing levels, you may be hearing based on an old hearing prescription versus the most current. Hearing typically changes gradually over time, sometimes without you noticing. Just like with your eyes, your prescription for hearing may also change over time and the hearing devices need to be tuned up!
If you don’t currently wear hearing devices, now is a good time to schedule a baseline test! NOW is the time to schedule your updated hearing assessment and hearing aid cleaning and/or tune-up!
Time For A “Spring Cleaning”? Audiology On Call, Your Hearing Care Experts of North Fulton is Ready!

Dr. Kelli Smith, Audiologist Audiology On Call
Give us a call at 833.244.3275 or Contact Us Now. We will find a time that is convenient for you and the best part is that WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS!