Let’s face it, we all have earwax. Except, why do we all try to get rid of it?

In fact, the sticky-like substance produced in the ear has a range of benefits, including keeping the ears clean and free of germs.

Although it is naturally harmless, earwax can become a problem when there is a buildup of it, which can contribute to hearing loss.

Yet, with so much conflicting information available on the internet, it can be confusing knowing the correct steps to take and what is healthy for your ears.

The danger is, with your ears being a delicate organ, one simple mistake can seriously impact your eardrum and cause long-term problems for your ear health.

When it comes to your hearing, you want to ensure you preserve it for as long as possible to allow you to communicate clearly in your day-to-day life.

That’s why it’s so important that you go to a specialist, such as Audiology on Call, who follows a methodological process and uses various tools to extract any earwax safely.

What Is Earwax?

Although many people turn their nose up at it, earwax is actually fantastic for our ears, as it is produced to help protect our ear canal.

It acts as a lubricant that protects and moisturizes the ear canal, fighting off infections and shielding against dirt.

As it is such a gradual process, you barely notice it, and it naturally finds its way out of the ear canal and falls out.

What Causes An Earwax Buildup?

There is a range of factors that contribute toward an earwax buildup, but most of them can easily be prevented with a few simple steps.

In truth, one of the main factors which cause an earwax buildup is excessive usage of cotton swabs, which can push the earwax deeper into the canal.

Your ears naturally produce enough wax to protect your ears, so any foreign objects that you use to extract the wax can only present a recipe for disaster.

Signs And Symptoms Of Earwax Buildup

Naturally, your ears are in tune with your body, so any unusual side effects will be a sign of something wrong. Here are a few to look out for:

  • Sudden hearing loss
  • Tinnitus
  • A feeling of fullness in the ear
  • Pain in your ear that doesn’t subside
  • Coughing
  • Earache

Earwax Removal Treatment

The safest way to extract earwax is to consult with a specialist who is trained in audiology.

That way, they can use expert tools to safely remove it and clean your ear, ensuring your hearing is prioritized.

Our team at Audiology on Call uses a range of procedures to remove any stubborn earwax, ensuring it is both painless and safe.

Most importantly, our team has experience dealing with all kinds of ear conditions and is aware of the ear’s delicate anatomy.

One small mistake can cause long-term damage to your hearing, which is why it’s always best to consult with a professional.

If you or a loved one is experiencing problems with earwax or have any concerns with your hearing, get in touch with a member of our team, and we will be happy to assist.

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