We often get phone calls from patients asking us about the different hearing aids on the market. A common name that gets mentioned is Lively, an online hearing aid supplier. Because we care so much about your hearing, we want you to make the most informed choice for...
I would say one of the most common questions we hear is, “how do you do a hearing test without a sound-proof booth?”. While our common perception of a hearing test is conducted in a sound-proof booth, it is unnecessary. It’s ironic how many times I have tested people...
Let’s face it, we all have earwax. Except, why do we all try to get rid of it? In fact, the sticky-like substance produced in the ear has a range of benefits, including keeping the ears clean and free of germs. Although it is naturally harmless, earwax can become a...
Every time Consumer Reports releases their “Best of” for hearing aids, I must explain to my patients that a hearing aid is not a consumer device. It’s not like rating a refrigerator or a microwave based solely on the features of the electronic appliance. Hearing aids...
With June being Men’s Health Month, we are excited to take part. We get many questions all the time regarding hearing aids and how to care for them but equally know that there are many patients out there that won’t reach out for help when it’s needed – recent...
Although most people with hearing loss have similar hearing in both ears (bilateral), there are people who have asymmetrical hearing, or one ear is significantly worse than the other. There is also a smaller percentage of people who may hear normally or near normal in...